速報APP / 汽車與車輛 / Cattle Farming Milk Transport

Cattle Farming Milk Transport





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Al Qouz 2, Dubai Marine Accommodation Near Shaklan 3 Dubai United Arab Emirates

Cattle Farming Milk Transport(圖1)-速報App

Dairy farm ↪ Milk factory ↪ Milk Transportation

Cattle Farming Milk Transport(圖2)-速報App

Experience new 3d adventurous milk transportation game. You need to deliver milk from dairy farm to factory. And after processing milk, you have to transport it to stores and shops and for sale. Cattle farming milk transport is one of best delivery games in the market. If you like village games then it is best chance to collect milk from a farm in the village and transport it to the city.

Cattle Farming Milk Transport(圖3)-速報App

Cattle Farming Milk Transport(圖4)-速報App

Cattle Farming Milk Transport(圖5)-速報App